Thursday, December 12, 2013

Clara's 1954 White Christmas Ballerina Dress

When I was little, it seems like many years we watched White Christmas. In the movie, four performers help rescue the failing ski resort of a retired Army General. At the end, there is a big finale with all the main characters. There are also quite a few children participating in the play. In particular, there are four young ballerinas dressed in white and red. In the snapshot above, the fourth dancer hasn't arrived onstage, yet.

I thought it would be fun to do a couple of Christmas costumes for Clara based on the 1954 movie, White Christmas.

Clara’s costume for this week is based on the young girls’ ballet outfits, complete with toe shoes and a crown.

To print Clara's dress, use this PDF file:

Clara is a free, printable paper doll. Clara will be available on this blog as long as I continue to post new fashion pages for her. You can read the introduction for the Clara paper doll here.

To print the Clara paper doll, use this PDF file:

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Clara's 1841 Easter Rose Dress

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